Wednesday, May 30, 2007

The Slitheree Dee Ain't Got Shit on Me

The sun slowly drowned in the bloody red sky...

Kelcey O'Reilly and Pete Wilshire were sitting in a motor boat. It moved swiftly on the water. Kelcey was smoking a Pall Mall. Pete had curly orange hair.

"We've been circling this lake for hours," Pete yelled over the engine, "We can barely see anything now. Do you really think you're gonna find anything."

Kelcey heard him. But didn't respond. He was the captain of his motor boat. The captain of the SS Baha. And he would not take shit from anyone.

"I say we call it a night and take the boat back to shore," Pete said with his hand on Kelcey's shoulder. "We can come out first thing in the morning."

"Fuck, Pete. You know that the only people who decide when this boat goes to shore are the O'Reilly men." Kelcey inhaled Pall Mall smoke, "And now, I'm the sole O'Reilly man. So sit the hell down."

Pete sat down.

The boat skimmed the water for five minutes.

Waves began to rock the SS Baha.

Pete quickly stood up and pointed, "Kelcey... look..."

"I know."

The creature was 200 meters away from the motor boat. Bobbing up and down in the water. Waves ensued.

"Pete, hand me the seal bombs."

"What seal bombs."

Kelcey turned around. Looked at Pete, "Did you bring the seal bombs."

Pete looked around the 4 meter long motor boat, "Ummm... actually... no."

The SS Baha turned around and returned to shore. The creature returned to the dreary depths from which it emerged.

... The sun was slowly swallowed by Lake Loch Ness. It wasn't powerful enough to prevent it's fate, and the world at once became dark.

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