Friday, December 29, 2006

Tuesday, December 26, 2006


It was called the iPlug. 100 Gigs and only half an inch long. All you had to do was unclip the two plugs and put them in your ears like headphones, but with out the wires, did I mention it was bluetooth too. The device also ran off the heat from your ears and was operated by voice command. It was a hit and sold millions during the 2010 Christmas season. The only problem with it was that people would pull pranks with the voice commands. Say there were 8 people listening to the iPlug on a bus then some kid getting off the bus would yell, "Power off!" and all the iPlugs would shutdown. It was unfortunate, but the second generation would have owner voice recognition and solve that problem.
The three inventors were all alumni from Cal Tech and stayed very close through their success. Katy, second from the left, married a man named Jezariah Canyon Shutz Munyer. He owned and operated a go-kart track called "Thunder Kart" in Santa Clara, just opposite Katy's office. The others weren't sure of Jez's true intentions for marrying Katy, but his sense of humor out weighed their fears. Bill is at the center of the picture and the oldest of trio. He bought a log cabin just outside of Vancouver and married his child hood friend, Gabriel, second from the right. They soon started a baking company together called "Sweetness." The last of three inventors was Andrew, he's on the far right and holding the second generation of the iPlug. Andrew was unable to find true love. Most of his money instead went up his nose and on call girls in the San Jose area. He figured that since most of the girls were going to college, he was actually supporting local education. His addiction got out of hand one day when he was arrested for trying to trade an iPlug for a handjob from a fifteen year-old girl. He bought a great lawyer and got off with only 100 hours of community service. This photo was taken after the hearing.

Monday, December 18, 2006

John the Revelator

A man walked out of the rain and into a train station. A worn down Volkswagon key was set to his left. A terquoise umbrella was imploded and set further to his left. His legs were crossed and a red book with a cross on it was placed on his lap.

A female sat across fom him. Purple eyeliner. Large hoop earrings. A lession above her right brow. Cherry lipstick. Butterfly sunglasses.

The lips of the female slowly parted after being overly supplied with saliva from her tongue. "Hi" was silently said.

The male made no movements.

The Butterfly sunglasses quickly flew away from the females eyes. She nodded towards the restroom. "Tweny for tweny," was said slightly louder than her previous statement.

The book on the males lap was opened. He began reading, "Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name thy Kingdom come, thy will be alone on Earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive those who trespass against us lead us not into temptation-"

-"but delivah us," the female continued, again raising her voice, "from evil for thine is the kingdom and the powa and the glowy foreva and eva."

The male nodded.

"I heard it all befo, Mistah." The female closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Sunday, December 10, 2006

The word Robot originated in Czech.

It was only a month ago that Adam was captured. He regretted the mistake every waking hour. He could have done this he could have done that. He tried to think about something else, but all thoughts led back to this. A thought would enter his mind then out of boredom and loneliness he would play with the thought until it died. His thought process had been like that since he left the others. He thought freedom and nature would be enough, but he would do anything to be near a human.
"Fuck it. It doesn't matter now." He thought. He knew they were watching him suffer in that dark room, crucified on that iron cross and enjoying all his attempts to break loose from the clamps around his wrists. Every time he started screaming or reeling around, a little red light below the camera lens would turn on. He thought of their mechanical laughter and it just made those situations worse. "Fuck you, you fuck fucking fuckers... Come in here and fight, i'll break you, you cock sucking motherfucking fucks, i'll bite right through you, you..."
That's when the thought entered his mind to chew through his own arms. Compared to his own vomit spread out around him, the shit caked in his pants and the food from the tube running down his throat it seemed like an ingenious idea at the time. His arms had gone numb a few days before and so biting in to his own flesh caused no pain at all. He actually enjoyed the new taste and swallowed a few mouth fulls for energy. Energy for figuring out how to escape his cell. The red light was on the whole time, but nothing came in the room to stop him. He was too driven now to stop and think what they would now do to him.
Five hours later he leaned away from his last arm, the tendons slowly ripping away and fell hard on the cold iron floor. The the front door opened. He couldn't care why and quickly used his face to press away from the floor then started to run. Outside was a corridor and a door at the end of it opened. He was incredibly off balance at first and fell forward while running a few times. There were four more similar corridors until one door opened and sunlight blasted through. When he crossed through the door he heard an eruption behind him, but was too scared to look back. All that lay in front of him were synthetic looking trees and fields of tame grass. He continued to run for more than an hour, all the while hearing jet engines and explosions around him. Then for just one minute all the chaos stopped.
When he came over the final hill and saw the red drone barreling down on him, that's when he realized what this was all about. "Why was it so close? It had to be impressing something. The system. The fucking robots are using me to play against each other. It was a fucking game. How much of it was.." Then before he could continue an explosive stuck his forehead and sprayed what was left of his brains high into the air.